Thursday, May 26, 2011

[CloudAV]: Release Candidate of PCAV v1.5 is out!

Dear users, visitors,

release candidate version of Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.5 has been released today. Please note that this version is still not stable release, therefore is not suitable for every day use. The main goals of this version are: 

1. performance improvements
2. bug fixes

You can report any problems your experience with this RC on our Beta Forum (do not forget to add PCAV15RC tag to the subject of the thread).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

IIHF 2011 Championship Scam, Addendum: Online Investment Group Ltd.

Few blog posts back I wrote about abusing IIHF 2011 Championship by web-criminals. Now I would like to share with you some more information about who is responsible for this awful fraud so you can avoid similar web-sites. The article will be only in Czech as this specific scam is a Czech Rep. & Slovakia targeted.

Nedávno jsem psal o zneužití mistrovství světa v hokeji internetovými podvodníky. Nyní se podíváme, kdo ja za tento podvod vlastně zodpovědný. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[CloudAV & Forums]: HOWTOs - video tutorials

When helping users on our Support Forums, mainly when it comes to malware infections, we [Mods] ask users for one thing: PCAV's Events report. And sometimes users don't know how to export it, specifically where to find it. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

[CloudAV]: Beta 1.9 interface

Dear users,

as you know, beta 1.9 of Panda CloudAV has been released recently. You don't want to install beta and still want to see its new interface? No problem, I recorded 2 short video clips and made several screenshots for you. First video is showing beta's interface, second one demonstrating new installer. Enjoy! :)