Friday, October 15, 2010

Behind The Scenes #01 - Trusted Mods

I would like to introduce you "Behind The Scenes" - group of articles consisting of various information about what is happening and what you might be interested in regarding PCA Support Forums.

This my first Behind The Scenes Topic:
#01 Trusted Mods
If you know our Support Forums, then you surely know, there are 2 groups of Moderators:
Official Mods and Trusted Mods. Then you might be wondering, what does it mean "Trusted" & "Official" Moderator. What is the difference between them? Who are these people?
Today I would like to introduce you Trusted Mods (including myself) shortly. As you might have already noticed, Trusted Mods are Power Users, we are not Panda Security employees as many of the users think (some of us would like to be in the future though :)). The reason why Panda Security trust us (therefore the name "Trusted Mods"), is that we are present at the PCA Forum from its beginnings, we are helping other users on daily basis, moreover our help is considered to be beneficial. That's why Official Mods promoted us as Moderators (thank you, guys).

Why are we doing this? Well, we like helping with the product we all love - Panda Cloud Antivirus. We like Panda Security (PS) approach to the users - feedback from users is very important for PS, more importantly PS is really listening to the users. Finally, it's a pleasure to be at the Forum, there are great people behind it.

Are we paid for our efforts? No, we are doing this for free :) Naturally, it has its advantages of course - like insight into PS - we are allowed to discuss & see some internal stuff. Nice example is upcoming PCA 1.3.0 beta testing - not available for public.

OK, that's enough theory. Now let me introduce you the people behind (I will not share with you any private information though - in order to protect our privacy).
(In alphabetical order).

Registered: Nov 11, 2009 
Promoted as a "second wave" with kilps. Those two were exactly the persons we needed - very smart & great helpers.

Registered: Nov 20, 2009 
GoneToPlaid is one of the first helping at the Forum. Big thank you!

Registered: Dec 19, 2009 
This guy is great! He knows everything about IT security; if he doesn't, he will learn it soon.

Registered: Nov 11, 2009 
Intrepid is one of the oldest (I don't mean his age now), great man, has done a lot for Panda since beta stages.

Registered: Nov 10, 2009 
Kilps, Ibrad and me (Shadowman) - 3 students :) Naturally it means we are (usually) the most active Mods at the Forum.

Registered: Nov 2, 2009 
Me (author of this article). Well, i am neither the most smart nor the most helpful...

Registered: Jan 8, 2010 
As i see, swejuggalo registered as the last one, but was promoted in the "first wave" - which means he is a great helper!

Now you might be asking yourself, can I become a Trusted Moderator? Of course you can. Although we are not actively looking for new members of our team. The possible promotion depends on your activity on the Forum. If you are helping regularly, and you are really helping, then there is a high chance someone will ask you whether you are interested in joining our team (there is no guarantee of happening that though).


I hope you enjoyed my article, feel free to leave a comment...

visit us at


  1. very nice ) waiting pca 1.3 beta preview :)

  2. thanks :) well, as you know, although there is a short delay, PCA 1.3.0 final should be released soon. if everything goes right, i expect it to be released this month (end of September/beginning of October was originally planned). unfortunately, we (Trusted Mods) are not allowed to share any internal information publicly - our insight & influence is not that deep/big. but i can tell you, PCA 1.3.0 looks promising - it is one step forward again. don't forget it is rather minor upgrade, so do not expect completely different PCA. what you can expect, that the known bugs will be fixed + some minor changes (i am not sure, what was said publicly, so this is all i will say in this comment :)).

  3. great news!
    As a secret: PCA works for me MORE (more & more...) stable and fast than PIS. So it really cool!
